How to Get Started Before You Get Started

Getting started with internet marketing can be confusing. This blog is geared toward information exchange to help new online marketers headed in the right direction.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Free Google Report

Free Google Report: "Learn From the Mistakes of one of the internet's Top Online Marketers!
How Neil Shearing ( Threw $2470.06 Down The Google Adwords Toilet!
...a FREE PDF report describing exactly how he spent $2470.06 on a Google Adwords Test... with details of every ad, every click and every sale!
('It's essential reading! Don't make the same mistakes I made!')
It's free for you to download, read and giveaway!
It's a PDF Mac and Windows machines can open it!

It's rebrandable! You can add your name and your website to the report and give it away at your site! Your clients will appreciate YOU offering them this valuable content!
He spent $2470.06 testing sales of my Internet Success Spider software on Google Adwords!
He's documented every click and reveals exactly what the ads were, how many clicks they got, how much those clicks cost and how the campaign was organized.
This is the raw data from an expensive ad-test... something most people will not let you see!
If you use Google Adwords, or plan to in the future, YOU MUST READ THIS FIRST!"

Free Google Report

Free Google Report: "Learn From the Mistakes of one of the internet's Top Online Marketers!
How Neil Shearing ( Threw $2470.06 Down The Google Adwords Toilet!
...a FREE PDF report describing exactly how he spent $2470.06 on a Google Adwords Test... with details of every ad, every click and every sale!
('It's essential reading! Don't make the same mistakes I made!')
It's free for you to download, read and giveaway!
It's a PDF Mac and Windows machines can open it!

It's rebrandable! You can add your name and your website to the report and give it away at your site! Your clients will appreciate YOU offering them this valuable content!
He spent $2470.06 testing sales of my Internet Success Spider software on Google Adwords!
He's documented every click and reveals exactly what the ads were, how many clicks they got, how much those clicks cost and how the campaign was organized.
This is the raw data from an expensive ad-test... something most people will not let you see!
If you use Google Adwords, or plan to in the future, YOU MUST READ THIS FIRST!"